Sunday, August 25, 2013

Vocabulary #2

Vocabualry #2:


1.  Accoutrement: an accessory item of clothing or equipment; or an identifying and often superficial characteristic or device.
2. Apogee: the point in the orbit of an object orbiting the earth that is at the greatest distance from the center of the earth; or the farthest or highest point: culmination.
3. Apropos: at an opportune time: seasonably; or by way of interjection or further comment.
4. Bicker: petulant quarreling: altercation.
5. Coalesce: to grow together.
6. Contretemps: an inopportune or embarrassing occurrence or situation.
7. Convolution: a form or shape that is folded in curved or tortuous windings.
8. Cull: to select from a group; to reduce or control the size of by removal of the weak (population control).
9. Disparate: containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements.
10. Dogmatic: characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly or positively as if they were facts.
11. Licentious: lacking legal or moral restraints; marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness.
12. Mete: to give out by measure.
13. Noxious: physically harmful or destructive to living beings.
14. Polemic: an aggressive attack on or refutation of the opinions or principles of another.
15. Populous: densely populated or numerous.
16. Probity: adherence to the highest principles and ideals: uprightness.
17. Repartee: a quick and witty reply.
18. Supervene: to follow or result as an additional adventitious, or unlooked-for development.
19. Truncate: is to cut off a part of or to cut to short.
20. Unimpeachable: not impeachable, which means reliable beyond a doubt.


1.The vacuum cleaner has all of the accoutrements for cleaning furniture as well as floors.
2. The roller coaster reached the apogee of its drop before it zoomed down the high ramp.
3. The final note in the newspaper about the United States political situation was apropos.
4. My sister and I used to bicker when we were younger, but luckily we barely fight now.
5. The goal on the volleyball team is to coalesce in order to help one another both on and off the court.
6. One of his challenges will be the contretemps over the dogs.
7. The art gallery was full of convolutions that were very interesting and fantastic.
8. The basketball coach had to cull a team from the hundreds of kids, who tried out for the team.
9.Two scientists have now resolved seemingly disparate trends.
10. The final statement in the article was just a dogmatic assertion.
11. The prisoners were licentious when it came to the guards and the cops.
12. The baker had to mete all of his ingredients in order to prepare his famous bread recipe.
13. The chainsaw was extremely noxious to the forest as it tore numerous trees apart.
14. The political debate in the election of 2012 was polemic.
15. The city of New York is very populous due to tourism.
16. The lawyer questioned the probity of the witness.
17. During an argument, Annie came up with a repartee that ended the disagreement.
18. The scientist supervened on the facts of the human mind.
19. The movie accidentally truncated due to a malfunction in the DVD player.
20. The president spoke with impeachable authority and integrity.

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