Sunday, August 18, 2013

1987 AP Exam

My notes on the MC of the 1987 AP exam.

The 1987 AP exam resembled the AP exam I took last year, but it contained a lot more poetry. I'm not the biggest fan of poetry due to the fact that I find poetry difficult to read especially when it's written in old English, but I would like to be able to learn more about it in hopes of enjoying it more rather than struggling through it. I also haven't studied poetry in quite a while, so when it came to figuring out if the poem was in Dactylic hexameter, Heroic couplets, Rhyme royal, or Ballad Meter... I was completely lost.  I recognized the words, but I didn't have a clue of what they meant. I researched later and found out that the poem was written in heroic couplets, which refers to the sequence of rhyming pairs of lines in iambic pentameter.

Poetry and vocabulary were my weaknesses when taking this exam. There was one word in particular that drove me insane and that word was pious! I had no idea what it meant and I saw it a few times! After I finished the exam, I looked in up immediately and found out that it means to be marked by or showing reverence to worship or religion. I won't forget that word again! In conclusion, the MC part of the AP exam was challenging, but not impossible.

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard copy of my answers and notes, which I will be bringing to class.
