1. The Color Purple by Alice Walker is an exceptional book and has become a classic. The story takes place in the rural regions of Georgia during the 1930’s. The narrator is an African American woman named Celie, who was raped and abused by her Pa. The story begins when Celie is just 14 years-old and she becomes pregnant with two of her father’s children. Her father abducts the kids from Celie to get rid of them, but her mother soon dies and blames Celie for everything on her deathbed. Soon after, Celie has an arranged marriage with a man named Mr. . Sadly, Mr. is just as abusive as her father and uses Celie as a household slave. Orginally Nettie, Celie’s younger sister, was supposed to marry him, but their father forced Celie to causing her to leave Nettie at home with her father. Poor Celie is treated terribly by not only Mr. , but his children as well. Although over time, she is able to bring them under control some what. Now, Nettie soon runs away from her father’s and hides with Celie, but then Mr. attempts to make moves on Nettie, which was absolutely terrible. Celie sends Nettie to an Afican American woman, who was well-dressed at the genera store due to the fact that she was the only woman that provided for herself. The irony in that situation is that woman adopted one of Celie’s abducted children. Nettie leaves and tells Celie that she will write to her, but not a single letter comes, which causes Celie to believe her beloved sister is dead. Celie soon begins to take care of Mr. ‘s mistress named Shug, who is sexy and passionate. Celie and Shug become very close and fall in love with one another. In addition, one of Mr. ‘s children, Harpo, falls head over heels for a woman named Sofia. Harpo is not like his father in most aspects, but doesn’t feel like the man in his relationship. Celie gives him the advice to beat Sofia into submission, which shows how Celie thinks what has happened to her is acceptable. Sofia is unlike Celie and she revolts against Harpo in order to remain strong. Due to this incident, Sofia is extremely upset with Celie about her noxious advice. Later on in the story, Shug helps Celie find Nettie’s letters in which Mr. has been hiding for years. Celie learns that her sister is in Africa on a missonary trip with Reverend Samuel and Corrine, who adopted Celie’s two children named Adam and Olivia. Corrine becomes ill (later dies) and Reverend Samuel tells Nettie that their father is not their biological, but actually their step father. Sadly, their real father was lynched due to his success as an African American, which is why their mother was emotionally unstable. This eye-opening information causes Celie to leave her husband with Shug and actually lose some of her faith to God. Nettie and Celie’s step father die suddenly, so Nettie returns from Africa and is now married to Samuel. The two women find out that the house and land was theirs after their mother’s death. The novel closes by the reunion of the two sisters after years of not seeing each other and meeting each other’s loved ones.
2. “People think pleasing God is all God cares about. But any fool living in the world can see it always trying to please us back.” This novel has many themes that are used throughout the novel, but the theme of religion is present throughout. Celie’s view of God changes and evolves as the book goes on. In the beginning, she uses God as someone to talk to and he almost seems like a distant figure. As the the book progresses, God changes from an individual to an idea. She thinks of God as a sense of goodness and happiness, but she also believes that each and every one of us has a different meaning of God. God is supportive and helps Celie live the life in which she wants to live, which is monumental for Celie since she had been beaten down both mentally and physically throughout her life. “I believe God is everything, say Shug. Everything that is or ever was or ever will be. And when you can feel that, and be happy to feel that, you've found It.”
3. The narrator of this book is the main character named Celie, so the mood and the tone changes constantly due to the fact that she has personal connections and emotions towards those events, which makes the audience more biased to Celie’s point of view and elicits pathos.
4. "-pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it."
The title of this book is directly connected to the quote about. The color purple is thought of as royalty especially in Ancient Greek times, which is why Caesar has a entire rope dyed purple. Celie desires a long purple dress due to the meaning of the color of purple to show her independence and strength.
“-Dear God,-”
Each letter starts with the quote above, which directly connects with the theme of religion and Celie’s changing point of view in religion.
“Time moves slowly, but passes quickly”
The quote above is a contradiction and shows the point is that time may seem infinite during the moment, but as we look back, time seems scarce.
“Shug is a beautiful something-”
The quote represents had oxymoron because it seems like a back-handed complement. There are both negative and positive comments within that statement.
“He beat me like he beat the children.-”
This quote is an example of a simile and shows the amount of abuse within this novel.
“She look so stylish it like the trees all round the house draw themself up tall for a better look.”
This is another example of a simile and gives the audience a better understanding of Shug’s appearance.
“The more I wonder, the more I love.”
The quote above causes the audience to allude to a bigger picture about love and the true possibilities of life. It encourages the reader to live the life in which they dream about instead of “being clubbed into dank submission.”
“I'm poor, black, I may even be ugly; but dear God, I'm here! I'm here!”
This quote symbolizes the strength in which Celie has despite her struggles or skin color. It also connect to the theme of racism within this novel.
“For the first time in my life, I feel just right-”
The quote elicited pathos from the audience because after years of pain and suffering, Celie is able to find happiness and love.
1. First of all, the definitions for indirect and direct characterization are:
- Indirect characterization is the process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed through the character's speech, actions, appearance, etc.
-Direct characterization is the process by which the personality of a fictitious character is revealed by the use of descriptive adjectives, phrases, or epithets.
“I'm poor, black, I may even be ugly; but dear God, I'm here! I'm here!”
This is an example of direct characterization due to the fact that Celie is using descriptive adjectives to describe herself.
“Shug a beautiful something, let me tell you. She frown a little, look out cross the yard, lean back in her chair, look like a big rose.-”
The quote above is direct characterization for Shug said by Celie because it directly describes her physical appearances. In addition, Celie uses similes to create imagery and allusions to things that symbolize true beauty such as roses.
“Us sing and dance, make faces and give flower bouquets, trying to be loved.-”
The quote above is an example of indirect characterization because it shows how Celie desires love and independence due to her past experiences.
“The Olinka girls do not believe girls should be educated. When I asked a mother why she thought this, she said: A girl is nothing to herself; only to her husband can she become something.
What can she become? I asked.
Why, she said, the mother of his children.
But I am not the mother of anybody's children, I said, and I am something.”
The section above shows indirect characterization of the beliefs within Africa and connects with the life of Celie. They may be two different cultures, but the role of women isn’t appreciated in either society and are often used to help the men prosper.
2. The novel is written in first person, which causes the diction to change throughout due to Celie’s personal emotions. The book is written as if they are letters, which causes the story to feel more realistic.
3. The Color Purple stars a round character named Celie, who is dynamic and full of life because I felt as if I knew her personally. I became emotionally connected with her especially since the story is written in a letter format, so you feel as if you are reading real letters.
4. While I was reading this book, I thought of Celie as a friend and I felt her joy, sadness, and pain. Overall, this novel was amazing and I would recommend it!
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