This upcoming year is a new dawn, a fresh start, and a clean slate. This year will open new doors and pathways at which determine who we were, who we are, and who we will be. To be honest, I have no idea what the future has for me. So much has happened this past year and I have no idea what will happen in the future, but if there is one thing I have learned this year is to just take each day one at a time. I over-analyze and over-think most situations in my life because I was to make sure I do the right thing which causes me to stress and lose my sanity at times, but this year has taught me that mistakes are ok. It’s ok to be a complete mess, It’s ok to not know what will happen, It’s ok to not have a plan, It’s ok to release your emotions, It’s ok as long as you focus on what could help you rather than hurt you. Instead of focusing on the past, which can’t be changed, focus on the present and future because each day we are faced with new opportunities and challenges that we must get through. Live for the now not the past. I've learned to live life with no regrets. Have I made mistakes? Hell yes, but what good will it do for me now to regret the choices that I made in the past. My mistakes are lessons in which I use on a daily basis to grow and make better choices for the future. Never regret a choice you made in the past because in that moment you did what you felt was best and so what! It was a bad choice, but you didn’t know any better or you followed your gut. Take that bad choice or bad experience and turn it into something positive. It's not an easy task to do, but it will bring a little more happiness into your life and in my personal opinion, happiness is the ultimate goal to life. Now, 2014 is going to be a year filled with both positive and negative aspects, but I look forward to what it has to offer.
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