Monday, September 9, 2013

Vocabulary #4

Vocabulary #4:
1.Accolade:noun:a ceremonial embrace.
-After the tough battle, the warriors received accolades for their bravery and courage.
2.Acerbity:noun:the quality of being acerbic, which means to be acid in temper, mood, or tone.
-The customer made his displeasure known with more acerbity than was needed.
3.Attrition:noun: sorrow for one's sins; the act of rubbing together; the act of weakening or exhausting by constant harassment, abuse, or attack; a reduction in numbers usually as a result of resignation, retirement, or death.
-The gears of the machine began to collapse due to attrition in the system.
4.Bromide:noun: a binary compound of bromine with another element; a commonplace or tiresome person(bore).
-The chemist used bromide to complete his experiment and prove his hypothesis.
5.Chauvinist:noun: a person displaying agressive or exaggerated patriotism.
-On Fourth of July, there are many chauvinists running around displaying there love for America.
6.Chronic:adjective: marked by long duration or frequent recurrence; always present or encountered; being such habitually.
-In hospitals, there are thousands of patients who were chronic smokers for years despite their attempts to quit.
7.Expound:transitive verb: to defend with argument.
-Various political writers expound their points of views on thousands of topics that interest the people.
8.Factionalism:noun: the state of quality of being partisan or self-interested.
-The pompous prince didn't care about others and was stuck in a sense of factionalism.
9.Immaculate:adjective: having no stain or blemish (pure).
-The model had an immaculate face that made it effortless to take her picture.
10.Imprecation:noun: curse.
-The imprecation left the family in a deep depression and without hope due to the death of some of their close loved ones.
11.Ineluctable:adjective: not to be avoided, changed, or resisted.
-The new mural was ineluctable and glowed with colorful images that showed the community in a honest manner.
12.Mercurial:adjective: having qualities of eloquence, ingenuity, or thievishness; characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood.
-Due to her illness, she was mercurial and couldn't control her moods.
13.Palliate:transitive verb: to ease or reduce the violence; to cover by excuses and apologies.
- After their huge fight with her sister, she tried to palliate the disagreement in order to make things better and peaceful.
14.Protocol:noun: an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction.
-The demo was a protocol that later turned into a huge hit that toped the music charts all over the world.
15.Resplendent:adjective: shining brilliantly.
-The sunrise was resplendent and filled the sky with light.
16.Stigmatize:transitive verb: to describe or identify in opprobrious terms (brand).
-Gucci and Prada have been stigmatized which allows them to over price their items in order to gain more money.
17.Sub Rosa:adverb: secretly.
-The meeting was held sub rosa in order to not cause problems and gossip.
18.Vainglory:noun: excessive or ostentatious pride or vanity.
-The vainglory within various countries around the world has caused unnecessary battles and even wars.
19.Vestige:noun: a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something.
-The vestige on the side of his face made him even more attractive.
20.Volition:noun: an act of making a choice or decision; the power of choosing or determining.
-The successful CEO worked his way to the top through his own volitions and power.

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